become a member or a sponsor

AIAM Memberships

Whether you are currently operating a business in the aerospace industry or are evaluating the possibility of expanding your product and service portfolio into the industry, an investment in becoming an AIAM member could be the best decision you make.

A recent Boeing publication forecasts the need for over 41,000 commercial aircraft within the next 20 years at a value of over $6 trillion USD.  This projection indicates a very healthy economic future, along with tremendous opportunities for all sectors of the industry. As an AIAM member, you will have the ability to network with powerful global industry leaders along with influential aerospace educators.  As a collective association voice for the industry, you will help to create and drive a legislative agenda that will continue to grow Michigan’s aerospace presence.

Regardless of the size of your company, you will benefit from an AIAM membership.  Led by its diverse Board of Directors, AIAM is an association that works for its members and pledges value for each investor.  Our purpose is to bring industry, educators and government together to create network opportunities, talent development workshops, supply chain connections, and so much more.

There are a number of ways an AIAM membership can provide a return on your investment.  Whether it is recruiting your next key employee through our relationships with educators in the state, identifying a supplier to provide critical components or landing a new customer, put your membership to work today!

Membership File Downloads

You're in good company

MEmbership LEvels


A company with operations in Michigan with some percentage of current revenues attributed to the aerospace industry

Starting at $1,695


1-25 Employees*
26-100 Employees*
101-300 Employees*
301+ Employees*


* Employees: Includes all full-time, part-time, temporary and professional staff
** Industry: Only count employees engaged in aerospace activities


1-25 Employees*
26-100 Employees*
101-300 Employees*
301+ Employees*


* Employees: Includes all full-time, part-time, temporary and professional staff
** Industry: Only count employees engaged in aerospace activities


1-25 Employees*
26-100 Employees*
101-300 Employees*
301+ Employees*


* Employees: Includes all full-time, part-time, temporary and professional staff
** Industry: Only count employees engaged in aerospace activities


Community College & Technical School
Non-research universities
Research Universities


* Employees: Includes all full-time, part-time, temporary and professional staff

Interested in becoming a member?

become a sponsor

AIAM Sponsorships

Becoming an AIAM sponsor opens the door to a collective aerospace audience, providing an excellent marketing opportunity for you and your products and services. Our members represent all aspects of the industry, and include large, mid-size, and small companies. In addition to their own direct operations, they have extensive business networks spanning multiple industries, states and countries. The multiplying effect of AIAM’s members and our marketing outreach offers a world of opportunities for your business or organization.

AIAM offers two types of investment opportunities for prospective sponsors. The first option, an Organization Sponsor, provides remarkable benefits throughout the entire year. The second sponsorship option is an Event Sponsor, which is specific to an association event that draws a broader audience beyond our membership base.

We understand each business and organization may have specific marketing needs and budgets that do not necessarily align with our pre-established packages. A core value for AIAM is our dedication to deliver maximum value for your investment. Please use the form below to contact us and discuss a customized package just for you.

Interested in becoming a Sponsor?

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