AIAM was pleased to host PwC during their visit to Michigan April 22nd and 23rd. The visit kicked off with a business roundtable dinner in downtown Detroit between a group of AIAM board members, aerospace executives and community leaders who presented an overview on Michigan’s aerospace industry. The following morning started early with a full-day motor coach tour and meetings at select key aerospace assets, which made a lasting impression on our guests. Stops included RCO Aerospace, BMT Aerospace, Ascent Aerospace and LIFT, a light weighting institute in Detroit.
The visit made such an impact, PwC is planning to include a feature on Michigan in their upcoming annual Aerospace Manufacturing Attractiveness report due out this summer. PwC commented at the conclusion of their visit that no other state is doing what we are doing! AIAM is grateful for this great relationship that has been built with PwC and look forward to showing off our exploding aerospace industry more in the future.