Hello AIAM Business Community,
As we continue to watch the events unfolding between Ukraine and Russia, I want to express AIAM’s thoughtful solidarity with Ukraine. We are praying for an end to this conflict and are deeply moved by the courage and resilience Ukraine has demonstrated.
We are seeing the direct results of this conflict in the aerospace industry. The economic sanctions against Russia have the potential to impact titanium-sources, of which Russia is chief supplier. AIAM board member Kevin Michaels, of AeroDynamic Advisory, said, “If that [supply] disappeared – that would be a massive issue. How long would it take to certify another forge? That would take a long, long time.”
Even so, Michaels estimates that a titanium shortage will not be felt for several months if Russia halts titanium exports. Though the former Soviet Union never halted titanium exports even during the Cold War, we will continue to carefully monitor the situation as it develops in order to keep our network informed over this year and the next.
Outside of the concerning foreign conflict, the aerospace industry business is doing their best to carry on their production and commerce. We just recently hosted a Technology Expo at Grand Valley State University in downtown Grand Rapids, on March 17, 2022. A-list companies like Spirit Airlines and GE Aviation were in attendance along with more than 200 attendees from over 90 companies. We consider this event a tremendous success; the excitement in the room was undeniable as companies shared their innovation, stories, and opportunities that are best facilitated through in-person events such as this.
We took the opportunity at the Technology Expo to announce our upcoming conference: AeroOne, at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 7-8. This summit will feature aerospace OEMs, suppliers and thought leaders and is set to be the pace-setting forum for aerospace leaders. There will be exhibitor showcases, and exceptional networking opportunities.
To learn more about the conference visit www.aerooneconference.com.
I hope you will take a moment to read through this quarter’s newsletter. The stories that make up this edition exemplify the connections our members have made ultimately impacting their business in ways they could have never imagined.
We hope you will consider participating in our upcoming events and take advantage of the opportunity to build meaningful business relationships. As always, I truly appreciate your continued partnership and look forward to working with each of you.