AIAM Member News✈️:
The United States Army has chosen GS Engineering to participate in the 2022 Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE 2022) at the Maneuver Battle Lab at the United States Army Fort Benning in Georgia.
“We are excited to be able to showcase this launching system and bridge module to close this capability gap and meet the needs of ultralight combat vehicle users. This system is fully capable of providing a gap defeat capability which is a match to the vehicle in capacity, transportability, mobility, speed of deployment/retrieval, and ease of use. The Ultralight Tactical Bridge will join GS Engineering’s military solutions which include Vehicle High Performance Kits for the HMWWV/GMV 1.0, Ultralight High-lift Jacks, Expandable Mobile Garages, and Sand Anchors.”
To read more about GS Engineering’s launching system and bridge module, click here.