We first started compiling content for this newsletter about six weeks ago. Since then, I have rewritten this note about three different times as a result of the ever-changing dynamics surrounding COVID-19. In a matter of days, our worlds were turned upside down. Plans shifted, events postponed, productions stalled. This has been an unprecedented time, no doubt. But what has been most encouraging is how Michigan’s aerospace industry has rallied to fill gaps, provide resources, and work together to combat this invisible enemy. 

AIAM members across the state have stepped up to the challenge and answered the call. We received dozens of responses from AIAM members willing to transition their resources and services in an effort to assist with the most critical needs facing the COVID-19 crisis. The outreach and responses have been overwhelming. Included in this newsletter are some media articles of AIAM members who have been featured for their work to combat this virus. Some are sewing face masks, others are working with hospitals to prepare for additional space to provide healthcare services, and others are partnering together to build ventilators.  AIAM has undertaken an initiative to organize a consortium to manufacture a ventilator and we are working with a local hospital to connect essential needs with companies whose capabilities could be a solution.

For many of you, this is not the same business your companies were in two weeks ago; this is why I have every belief the industry will get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Michigan’s aerospace industry is resilient; we can adapt to these unprecedented challenges, and respond to changes beyond our control. I am blessed to be a part of this industry. Together, we will continue to reach across industry lines and help our fellow citizens. 

I hope you enjoy the content of this quarterly newsletter as we feature three member highlights: Jackson Flexible Products, Classic Metal Finishing and Applied Automation Technologies. You will also read incredible news about Michigan’s ranking in the recently released Rosie Report, and learn more about AIAM’s Ambassador designation. 

I want to thank each of you for your participation in AIAM. Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, AIAM is still fully operational and available to each of you as a resource. Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can assist you and your company. Together we will move beyond the challenges of today and look forward to an exciting future. 


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